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All anyone truly has are their thoughts, and these are mine. I find it harder every day to believe in coincidence, so if you've found these writings, I encourage you to read on. Experience is a two-way street, and I'd appreciate hearing about yours. Love.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

The Departure of Dreams

The trophy glistened as if it were divine. Raising eyes and expanding chest in triumph before the masses, he offered it slowly to the sky. The expectation was there.

The deep grey clouds gracefully parted like curtains at a theater, making way for their amber glowing counterparts. There, obscured by it's brightness, beamed an awesomeness with fingers of warmth, dancing their way to the call of it's existence. The moment was there.

Palms of energy enclosed about the goblet... 
... The sustained unbroken commitment was deluded!

A fierce breeze ripped through the space, tearing apart elation with aggression not unlike the sight and surprise of two hounds brawling, leaving the collective with mixed thoughts of confusion and silent cries of alarm. The glow, with reluctance and disappointment, receded into it's dark cave of nostalgia. 

Sharp pains above the temples were felt as hopelessness spiraled through abandoned hearts in waves. The distance of sight was held, though all stares were lowered. 

His cup was void.

The flare's retreat is ever happening, recoiling to a distance unfathomable, yet still experiential --A spark. A shimmer. A twinkle.-- Forever seen. Eternally out of reach.

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